
Amanda Ellison

Commissioned Articles


Louis Mac Neice And Accidents Of Origin
PDF – 202.5 KB 197 downloads
Teachwire Net Reciprocal Reading Could It Help Address The Post Lockdown Reading Gap
PDF – 81.4 KB 379 downloads

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Click the link above to read the article.

Click the link above to read the article.

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Click the link above to read the article.

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Click the link above to read the whole article.

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Click the link above to read the article (subscribers only).

Click the link above to read the article (subscribers only).

Click link above to read the article (subscribers only).

Link: https://www.bookbrowse.com/blogs/editor/index.cfm/2021/8/26/Sally-Rooneys-Dublin#:~:text=The%20backdrop%20of%20Sally%20Rooney's,influential%20authors%2C%20poets%20and%20playwrights.

Corporate Video Scripts

Commissioned Video Script :Highly Effective Employee Praise
PDF – 175.2 KB 507 downloads
Commissioned Video Script: Overview of HIPAA In Dentistry
PDF – 290.3 KB 496 downloads
Commissioned Video Script: Leadership
PDF – 148.1 KB 496 downloads

Press Release

Ghostwritten Snippets